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When inserting an image to a page or post select the appropriate size for the job (thumbnail, small, medium, large, or full). Images, up to 8 Mb in size, may be inserted from any of three sources:

  1. Your computer
  2. Your Media Library
  3. Another site (We recommend that you do not use this method)

A: Insert an image from your computer

[wpmudev-video video=”add-image-from-pc”]

Note: This video is from a third-party services and may not completely reflect the type of content and/or functionality of  Tufts University’s JumboPress.

  1. Position the cursor where you would like the image to be placed.
  2. Click the ‘Add Media’ icon.
  3. Click the ‘Upload Files’ tab.
  4. Click ‘Select Files’.
  5. Enter a title and alternate text or alt text (See the Accessibility section of this manual for more information).
  6. If desired, add a caption and a description.
  7. Select the ‘Alignment’ option to place the image horizontally on the page.
  8. Select the size for your image.
  9. When you are satisfied with your changes, click Insert into Page (or Insert into Post if editing a post).

B: Insert an image from the Media Library

[wpmudev-video video=”add-image-from-media-library”]

Note: This video is from a third-party services and may not completely reflect the type of content and/or functionality of  Tufts University’s JumboPress.

  1. Position the cursor where you would like the image to be placed.
  2. Click the ‘Add Media’ icon.
  3. Choose the image you wish to insert. If you don’t see it on the first page, search through the other pages.
  4. Follow steps 8-10 from section A above.

C: Insert an image from another website

[wpmudev-video video=”add-image-from-url”]

Note: This video is from a third-party services and may not completely reflect the type of content and/or functionality of  Tufts University’s JumboPress.

Two warnings:

  • Make sure you have permission to reuse the image.
  • Be aware that the other site might change and the image might go away. It may make more sense to copy the image to your own computer then upload it directly from there.

To add an image from another website:

  1. Locate the image you want to insert, then copy its URL:
  2. Right mouse click → ‘Copy image location’
  3. Access ‘Add an Image’ as in section A above.
  4. Select ‘Insert from URL’.
  5. Paste the image URL.
  6. Enter a caption (if desired) and alt text.
  7. Select alignment.
  8. Insert into page (or insert into post if editing a post).

Reminder: We recommend that you do not use this method.