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Posts are more ‘newsy’ than pages. They are event-driven and should be used for content that is new and relevant for a short period of time, such as announcements, news or events.

By default, there is a News page on your site. This is a list of all the posts posted on your site. It has a sidebar that lists all of the categories and a drop down with a chronological archive.

This News page can be added to the main navigation for easy access.

  • Posts are assigned to Categories. The default category is News.  If a list of posts from a certain category is updated frequently, the list will change to reflect the most recent posts added to that category.

View Existing Posts

To view existing pages, select Posts → ‘All Posts’. Posts are listed in reverse date order, with most recent at the top.

Adding a Post

The process of adding a post is very similar to adding a page, with the exception of adding a parent page or editing the permalink. Refer to “Adding a Page” section of the manual. To begin go to Posts → ‘Add New’.

[wpmudev-video video=”add-new-post”]

Note: This video is from a third-party services and may not completely reflect the type of content and/or functionality of  Tufts University’s JumboPress.

There are two more additional steps for adding a post:

  1. Assign it a Category
  2. Set a Featured Image


A post must have a category such as ‘News’ or ‘Events’.

[wpmudev-video video=”categories”]

Note: This video is from a third-party services and may not completely reflect the type of content and/or functionality of  Tufts University’s JumboPress.

JumboPress comes with two preloaded categories: ‘Home Slider’ and ‘News’. If you have a post slider on your homepage to add a post to it give it the ‘Home Slider’ category. If you’d like the post to appear on your News page give the post the category ‘News’. By default, if a post does not have a category WordPress will assign it the category of ‘Uncategorized’.

To add a category while creating/editing a post:

  1. Check the box next to the categories (uncheck to remove a category).
  2. Click on ‘+ Add New Category’.
  3. Give the category a name
  4. Click on ‘Add New Category’ to add it to the list

To add to the list of categories:

  1. Go to Posts → ‘Categories’
  2. Fill out the Name
  3. Click ‘Add New Category’.

In this screen you can also view all of your categories and edit or delete them.

Featured Image

Each post requires a Featured Image. This image will appear whenever a posts shows with a thumbnail or when the post is assigned to the ‘Home Slider’, i.e. the homepage slider.

[wpmudev-video video=”featured-image”]

Note: This video is from a third-party services and may not completely reflect the type of content and/or functionality of  Tufts University’s JumboPress.

To add a featured image:

  1. Add new/Edit a post.
  2. Click on ‘Set Featured Image’. This is located on the right side in the last box titled Featured Image, under Sidebars.
  3. A window will appear with the Media Library.
  4. Select your desired image or upload a file.
  5. Click on ‘Set Featured Image’ on the bottom right.
  6. ‘Save Draft’, ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ your post.