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View & Create Sidebars

To view existing sidebars or to create a new sidebar click on Appearance → ‘Widgets’. In this section the left side houses all the available widgets with a brief description.


[wpmudev-video video=”widgets”]

Note: This video is from a third-party services and may not completely reflect the type of content and/or functionality of  Tufts University’s JumboPress.

Types of Sidebars in JumboPress

On the right side are the custom sidebars, if any, and the theme sidebars available. The two kinds of sidebars are:

  • Theme Sidebars: comes with the theme; they are Page Sidebar, Blog Sidebar, Home Page Left & Home Page Right.
  • Custom Sidebar: built by site administrators; can have one or more widgets.

Theme Sidebars

These are sidebars that come with the JumboPress Base Theme.

  • Page Sidebar: any widget added here will appear if selected when editing a page.
  • News Sidebar: this is a preset sidebar that will show the categories and an archive dropdown on a news page so users can navigate past posts.
  • Homepage Left: any widget added here will appear on the homepage underneath the Home Slider or the content of the static page selected.
  • Homepage Right: any widget added here will appear in the homepage underneath the Home Slider or the content of the static page selected.

Modify a Theme Sidebar

You can modify a theme sidebar by adding or editing the widgets in the sidebar.

To modify a theme sidebar:

  1. Click the down arrow next to the sidebar name
  2. Drag the desired widgets from the left side of the screen to the section below the sidebar name.
    1. For example, to enter plain text in the sidebar, drag the SiteOrigin Editor widget.
    2. Alternatively, you can click on the SiteOrigin Editor widget after which point a pop-up will appear prompting you to select which sidebar you would like to add the SiteOrigin Editor widget to; click the name of the sidebar than click ‘Add Widget’.
  3. Click ‘Save’

Custom Sidebars

Custom sidebars can be created and save by the user.Create a Custom Sidebar

  1. Select Appearance → ‘Widgets’
  2. Click the ‘Create a New Sidebar’ button
  3. Enter the sidebar name and description
  4. Click ‘Create Sidebar’
  5. The Sidebar is now added to the list of all Custom Sidebars on the right side of the screen
  6. Click the down arrow next to the sidebar name
  7. Drag the desired widgets from the left side of the screen to the section below the sidebar name.
    1. For example, to enter plain text in the sidebar, drag the SiteOrigin Editor widget.
    2. Alternatively, you can click on the SiteOrigin Editor widget after which point a pop-up will appear prompting you to select which sidebar you would like to add the SiteOrigin Editor widget to; click the name of the sidebar than click ‘Add Widget’.
  8. Enter a title and complete any other required fields
  9. Click ‘Save’

Modifying an Existing Custom Sidebar

All custom sidebars are listed in the middle of the Appearance → ‘Widgets’ screen. Click the down arrow next to the name of the sidebar to be modified.

  • If you wish to add a new widget, drag it to the space below the side bar name. Make any changes to the widget contents, such as title and text, then click ‘Save’ and close.
  • If you wish to delete an existing widget, click the down arrow next to its name, scroll down, and then click ‘Delete’.

Add a Custom or Theme Sidebar to a Page

To add the sidebar to a page:

  1. Edit the page where sidebar is to be added
  2. In the section Sidebars dropdown menu select the sidebar you just created
  3. ‘Save Draft’ or ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ to commit the change.